Darwin and Evolution Sunday Funnies June 29, 2014 Here are some silly evolution claims crossing the news wires. Some evolutionists appear to have little more to do than speculate and spin stories. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Archive Classic: How Darwinism Produces Job Security June 25, 2014 This entry from 12/22/2003 we have referenced often, because it illustrates how Darwin changed science into storytelling. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics New Amazing Animal Discoveries June 25, 2014 From spiders to mammals, the living world never ceases to amaze us with new wonders. Some are inspiring new technologies. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Without Bromine, There Would Be No Animals June 13, 2014 A 28th element has proven to be essential for life: bromine. CONTINUE READING
Birds The Early Hummingbird Gets the Evolutionary Nectar May 28, 2014 A three-inch fossil bird is said to be the earliest nectar-feeder, meaning pollination by birds is older and more complex than thought. CONTINUE READING
Birds How Big Bird Evolved into Little Kiwi May 24, 2014 The latest story about flightless birds is so counter-intuitive, maybe it belongs on Sesame Street instead of textbooks. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Wonderful Lives May 21, 2014 Biologists continue to find unexpected wonders in living things. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Three More Ways to Benefit from Nature's Designs May 12, 2014 Three completely different biological mechanisms, at different scales of size, studied by different universities: all agree nature's designs are wonderful, but difficult to imitate. CONTINUE READING
Birds News About Bird Evolution May 8, 2014 We've just heard about some amazing birds. Now, what to secular scientists say about how they evolved? CONTINUE READING
Birds News for the Birds May 7, 2014 Our human readers are allowed to peek in on these headlines for and about our feathered intellectuals. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration April 8, 2014 Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed. CONTINUE READING
Birds Bumming Herds of Hummingbirds into Evolution April 6, 2014 Any well-designed animal can be forced into an evolutionary story if you allow the rules to evolve, too. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Bizarre Animal Discoveries March 26, 2014 Strange things have been coming to light about animals we knew and animals we didn't; bizarre animals, and normal animals with bizarre traits. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Cat Whiskers and Narwhal Tusks: Why Things Are March 24, 2014 In the animal world, unique features often have well-designed functions. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Imaginary Feathers Found on American Dinosaur March 19, 2014 Once again, imaginary feathers have been discovered on a "bird-like" dinosaur, this time from the Dakotas. CONTINUE READING