ENST: How Roots Penetrate Hard Soil

Like slow-motion jackhammers, plant roots drive their way through hardpan soil.

Assuming Evolution Makes Scientists Lazy

Scientist: Don't just say "it evolved." Go to the lab and figure it out.

Earth Is Designed to Clean Itself

Do these processes look like the result of chance mistakes?

Archive: Mutations, Dinosaurs, Water Lilies, Birds, Compound Eyes, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late January 2002, restored from archives.

Respect that Christmas Tree Before You Toss It

Conifers are remarkably hardy trees equipped to survive harsh conditions.
Mt. St. Helens, Washington

Gophers Help Restore Volcano Damage

How could scientists accelerate the restoration of the devastated area around Mt. St. Helens? Send in the gophers!

Archive: Fungi, Dinosaurs, Octopus, Appendix, JPL, More

A broad variety of stories have been published at CEH for 23 years. Look back at to August 2001.

Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

Climate Change: What the Science Says

The popular media is not giving the whole story.

Archive: Plant Email, Aliens, Sex, Sandstone, More

Here's a collection of short articles published by CEH in July 2001.

Archive: Mountains, Demons, Proteins, Mutations, Human Lab Rats

The following short articles were first published in June 2002.

Origin of Flowers: Evolutionists Don’t Even Know What They Don’t Know

A damaging preprint claims that data on the origin of flowers is heavily biased.

Better Science Without Darwin

Scientists wouldn't rush to imitate nature if it was poorly designed.

Wildflowers Illustrate Resurrection

Enjoy a beautiful new video for Easter from Illustra Media.

Archive: Wood, Gratitude, and Space Aliens

These stories from 2003 are still fun to read after 21 years. Read about wood, gratitude, and space alien morality.
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