Gene Regulation Is Distinctively Human

Another study finds extreme brain differences between humans and apes.

ENST: Non-Evolution of the Wet Dog Shake

This fun article was published at Evolution News on December 9, 2024.

Respect that Christmas Tree Before You Toss It

Conifers are remarkably hardy trees equipped to survive harsh conditions.

Archive: Wise Men, Aquaporins, Horses, Plate Tectonics, Phylogeny, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting before Christmas in 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Cells, Africa, Cloning, Microscopy, Stem Cells, Racism, Bladder, Faith

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid December 2001, restored from archives.

Paranthropus Not a Missing Link

Paranthropus boisei (formerly Zinjanthropus) is no longer considered a missing link. It was an extinct ape.

Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives.
Mt. St. Helens, Washington

Gophers Help Restore Volcano Damage

How could scientists accelerate the restoration of the devastated area around Mt. St. Helens? Send in the gophers!

Archive: Clocks, JPL, Smell, Rapid Geology, Mole Rats, Darwin for Kids, ATP Synthase, Golgi, Joy

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid November 2001, restored from archives.

Epic Fail: Million Monkeys Will Never Type Shakespeare

Even with infinite trials and all available time, this old icon cannot succeed, scientists say.

Darwin Re-Elected

There never was a vote, since he is emperor in perpetuity, even from the crypt.

Evolving Upright Posture Is No Walk in the Park

The transition from quadruped to biped is much more complex than once thought.

Nagging Problems Explaining Life’s Wonders

In this two-part guest article, Dr. James O. Smith surveys the hurdles evolution must leap.

Did Lucy Rescue the Human Evolution Story?

Before the discovery of Lucy very little evidence existed for human evolution . . . and much of it was wrong!

Archive: Baby IQ, microRNA, Moon Rocks, Plant Muscle, Mars, Courts, Darwin Tree Mixup, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late October 2001, restored from archives.
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