Media Watch Illustra Classics Free March 24, 2020 Are you quarantined at home? Illustra Media has opened its treasure chest and is streaming its classic films for free. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Proved. Now Go Back to Sleep. March 17, 2020 It's an opportunity for a new convert to announce her initiation into the cult, that's all. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Small Animals Strut Their Stuff March 14, 2020 Bioengineers struggle to keep up with the designs in nature. For Pi Day, here are some amazing designs in small animals. CONTINUE READING
Botany Flip Flops in Plant Ancestry March 13, 2020 Are green algae the ancestors of all land plants? Do paleontologists even know that these fossils are green algae? CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Smart Devices March 6, 2020 Nature had smart devices long before humans thought of making them. Here are a few that engineers envy. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils: Where’s the Evolution? February 13, 2020 Animals larger than today's, appearing earlier than thought – how does that help Darwin's narrative? CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Bad News for Plant Origins February 10, 2020 To find an ancestor for plant photosynthesis in red algae, evolutionists have to imagine a series of spectacularly improbable events. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Good Science Bears Good Fruit January 29, 2020 Science may not understand reality, but individual scientists know what can benefit other people. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolving Everything Except Sense January 21, 2020 When they have a magic wand, evolutionists see everything as a rabbit and every environment as a hat. CONTINUE READING
Fossils How Body Organs Evolved (Not) January 17, 2020 From the first fossils of multicellular life to the end, Dr Jerry Bergman looks for evidence of the evolution of organs. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Marine Reptile Found With Intact Skin January 3, 2020 Scientists at Lund University say, "Remarkably preserved fossil sea reptile reveals skin that is still soft." CONTINUE READING
Fossils Spectacularly-Preserved Fossil Shrimp Look Modern December 16, 2019 The history of shrimp, like so many other animals, shows no evolution over millions of alleged "Darwin Years." CONTINUE READING
Fossils Surprising Fossils Astonish Evolutionists December 3, 2019 When fossils have to be millions of years old, evolutionists can't believe their eyes. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Surprised but Never Falsified November 18, 2019 When you're the only team allowed on the field, you can move the goalposts at will. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Darwinians Excuse Out-of-Order Fossils November 13, 2019 Because Darwinism is built on philosophical naturalism, evidence can be moved around as needed. CONTINUE READING