Darwin and Evolution Darwinists Are Contortionists April 9, 2021 To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations. CONTINUE READING
Mammals No Evidence for Bone Evolution April 8, 2021 Research into the cells and structure of bone supports the creation view: bones are designed. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution Evolves at Random April 5, 2021 Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution as a Magic Wand March 24, 2021 Natural selection is the most creative force in the universe, Darwinists believe. It does anything evolutionists want. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Lamprey Larvae Are Not Vertebrate Ancestors March 12, 2021 Another case of Haeckel-like recapitulation turns out to be false. Lamprey larvae are not relics of our ancestors. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution “It Evolved” Is Not Science March 10, 2021 Secular scientists have a bad habit of carelessly appealing to evolution as a default explanation for everything. CONTINUE READING
Fossils A Failed Attempt to Refute Living Fossils: The Case of Coelacanth February 27, 2021 Dr Bergman describes how a major concept was dismissed based on appallingly flimsy evidence. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Living Fossils: The Horseshoe Crab Story February 22, 2021 Living fossils pose significant challenges to Darwinian theory, even with genomes available. The horseshoe crab is a prime example. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution You Are More than a Primitive Fish February 8, 2021 Consider this headline: "We’re more like primitive fishes than once believed." Why aren't people insulted? CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Delicate Acrobats: Butterflies and Jellyfish Use Physics to Perfection January 21, 2021 Two animals probably not envisioned as champion movers can teach human designers a thing or two. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Old Fat Not Worth Chewing: Evolutionary Tale Update December 4, 2020 It took two years, but now evolutionists have been falsified more properly. CONTINUE READING
Health Do Science for Good November 12, 2020 Scientists should get away from philosophizing and help their fellow human beings. CONTINUE READING
Health Re-imagining Food November 8, 2020 Would you eat these things? Gross but nutritious, some health scientists say we should. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Selectionism: An Empty Idea November 7, 2020 If anything could be due to any selection pressure up, down or sideways, then nothing might be due to selective pressure. CONTINUE READING
Media How to Do Biology Without Darwin October 25, 2020 A paper and press release compare fish and humans, but avoid falling into the Darwin just-so-story habit. CONTINUE READING