Trilobite Eyes Were Already Modern

Some trilobites had compound eyes similar to modern crustaceans and insects. They just popped into existence without ancestors.

‘Impossible’ Hybrid Suggests Non-Darwinian Change

Animals may be more capable of sharing genetic information than coming up with it de novo.

For Better Science Writing, Cross Out Evolution-speak

Like strict teachers, editors should cross out useless evolutionary speculations from science papers.

Blood Cells Act as Multi-Purpose Truckers

Blood Cells: Oxygen-Carrying Trucks That Have a Host of Functions New Research Shows How the Body Shows Striking Evidence of Intelligent Design by Jerry Bergman, PhD   Introduction One of my masters theses for medical school researched tumor markers.[1] Tumor markers are body indications of a disease state such as cancer. An example is substances […]

Did Fish Evolve Hands?

Wishful thinking from a one-track mind leads evolutionists to draw more imagination than demonstration in the latest tetrapod-ancestor fossil.

Diatoms Defy the Evolutionary Endosymbiosis Theory

Here's why endosymbiosis cannot explain diatoms – or anything else.

Another Big Science Fail Over Pollution

Is plastic polluting the world's oceans? Yes, but not nearly as much as hundreds of studies had claimed. Measure, don't assume!

Extinctions: A Playground for Darwin Storytellers

The fossils show that many species are gone from our planet. But explaining how they went extinct depends on one's worldview beliefs.

Previous Tetrapod Ancestors Fell Flat, Too

  Fame and Fortune (cont.): What constitutes a sister taxon to tetrapods? By Margaret Helder, PhD (continued from yesterday) Ever since Prof. Edward Drinker Cope identified a lobe finned fish called Eusthenopteron from Miguasha in Quebec, as a promising ancestor of four footed animals, the question arose as to what features in a fish would […]

Latest Tetrapod Ancestor Can’t Stand Up

In a two-part entry, Dr Margaret Helder examines the latest candidate fossil for ancestor to all land vertebrates.

Silly Darwin Stories Do No Good

Darwinists cannot confirm anything in their stories, and even if they could, so what?

Unique Fossils Defy Evolution

When fossils are found of one-off creatures without apparent relatives, how could Darwinism explain that?

Tooth Evolution Confusion Vindicates Creation Dentist

The leading expert in fossil teeth admits that tooth evolution still eludes Darwinists.

Surprising Fossils: Flying and Swimming Reptiles

Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life.

Watch Illustra Classics Free

Are you quarantined at home? Illustra Media has opened its treasure chest and is streaming its classic films for free.
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