Humans May Have a Residual Magnetic Sense

Could our ancestors have navigated by Earth's magnetic field? Some scientists believe they have evidence.

The Best Science Imitates Nature

Biomimetics has everything science desires: inspiration, motivation, understanding, and application.

Amazing Preservation Fails to Shock Evolutionists

The first question ought to be, how can such things survive hundreds of thousands or millions of years?

Snake Bites Darwin

The origin of snakes and snake venom has become more puzzling to believers in Darwinian evolution.

Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations

The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed.

Bad Lip Reading with Fossils

Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died.

And the Fastest Animal Is…

If you think the answer is peregrine falcon or cheetah, think again. This one skitters about under your feet.

More Good Science from Nature

The natural world contains endless examples of intelligent design that can inspire scientists with wonder and inspiration.

The Best Science Follows the Designs in Nature

The most fruitful kind of research seeks to understand nature's workings, and when appropriate, imitate it.

Natural Sources of Methane Surprise Climate Scientists

Methane is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Look where it comes from.

Synapsids Went Extinct, but Did They Evolve?

Evolutionists call them "mammal-like reptiles," but a very large fossil synapsid upsets evolutionary ideas.

Lizards Pre-Programmed to Adapt Their Coloration

Lizards put onto lava can change color within a week. Over time, the population blends into the darker environment.

The Design Packed Into a Fruit Fly

The most amazing animals of all may be the tiniest. Consider how much bio-technology has to fit into the head of a fruit fly.

Good-Flying Cosmopolitan Pterosaur Found Earlier Than Thought

A large pterosaur in Utah is 65 million Darwin Years older than thought, but was already built for flying.

One Wrong-Handed Amino Acid Can Cause Vertigo

The rocks in your head that give you a sense of balance are finely tuned to spiral in a certain way.
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