The Best Science Follows Design

Sir Francis Bacon emphasized that you will know good science by its fruits. Here are good examples of fruitful research that took inspiration from nature's designs.

Dinosaur Era Fossils Fail to Support Evolution

You have to squint hard to see the image of Charles Darwin in these bones. It works better if you close your eyes.

Environments Do Not Cause Adaptations

The way some evolutionists think, light creates eyes, sound creates ears, and odors create noses.

People Smell All Over, and Other Body Surprises

Here are some new discoveries you probably didn't realize about the human body.

Spiders Fly with Electricity

Scientists have known about spider "ballooning" for a long time, but only recently have they determined that spiders use electricity to fly.

Bugs Ride on the Wings of the Wind

Small animals can take advantage of wind to go long distances in remarkable ways.

Nature Knows Best

Recent news articles show how engineers and inventors are helping mankind by imitating what plants, cells and animals do every day. A new kind of vaccine based on spider silk (Science Daily). Because spider silk is tough and yet biodegradable, it can be used as a delivery capsule for vaccines that might otherwise be resisted […]

First Lizard Was 100% Lizard

Evolutionists celebrate the earliest fossil lizard, but have to push back the origin of lizards by 75 million years.

Evolutionists Shove Uncooperative Data into Darwinian Stories

If you're a Darwinian, your strategy is to make it seem like every piece of biological data fits evolution, even when it doesn't. Otherwise, creationists might get ideas.

Freaks of Evolution Exposed

A science writer calls some weird animals freaks of evolution, but there's a double meaning in that phrase begging to be unpacked.

More Reasons to Imitate Biology

Recent articles about Biomimetics show that the field is still going strong.

Amber Fossils Do Not Accurately Record Animal Diversity

A survey of arthropods trapped in tree sap shows that the unlucky ones do not represent an accurate cross section of the community.

More Tangled Branches that Confound Darwinian Trees

Darwin's branching "tree of life" diagram made for a nice, simple, easy-to-understand, convenient myth. It has sent scientists on a wild tree chase ever since.

Little Bugs with Mighty Powers

Bugs so small you could step on them, but if we were their size, we could never do what they do.

Do These Fossils Show Evolution?

Before taking an evolutionist's word for it that a fossil organism evolved, we should look at the evidence.
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