Solutions Come from Freedom and Ingenuity, Not Government

Look at these fantastic examples of potential solutions to world problems coming from motivated scientists.

There’s Abundance in Poverty

God's free gifts are all around us, if we would just see them and learn how to use them.

Cancer Is Devolution

A major consortium examined 2,658 cancer genomes and found evolution going downward, not upward.

Good Science Bears Good Fruit

Science may not understand reality, but individual scientists know what can benefit other people.

You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)

Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?

Can Atheists Answer the Meaning of Life?

An atheist serves up a way to get meaning out of the dark oblivion of materialism. This should be interesting.

More Benefits of Exercise

Diet and exercise; we know we should do better. Here are more motivations to get up and work out.

How to Lubricate Your Body’s Gears

You have gears in your spine. Ask these Swedish researchers who say so, and learn some gear maintenance skills, too.

Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Reading: Darwinian Roots of the Culture of Death

This passage by Nancy Pearcey draws the connection between Darwinism and today's culture of death.

Exchanging One Myth for Another

Scientists gleefully chuckle at one ethnic myth only to replace it with a more incredible one.

Watch the Christmas Lights in Your Muscles

Scientists use fluorescent tags to shine light on the biggest proteins in the human body.

Find Your Meaning in Creation

Scientists know that purposelessness is harmful to health, but where will they find a purpose in their purposeless universe?

Gender Dysphoria Is Not Biological

A new analysis of gender dysphoria finds causation in brain networks, not genetics or brain biology.

How the Cell Handles Oxygen: A Nobel Prize Discovery

Another amazing body function discovered – cellular oxygen regulation. It won three researchers the Nobel Prize.
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