Transgenders Face Lifetime of Regret

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Drugs and surgery cannot overcome mental issues.

Archive: Fruit Fly in Flight Simulator

Here are more stories from 20 years ago at Creation-Evolution Headlines, Dec. 2003.

COP28 vs Science

The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference.

The Greatest Miracle of Jesus

An eye surgeon considers the implications of giving sight to someone who never saw.

No, Thanksgiving Did Not Evolve

Atheists mangle the meaning of gratitude by making it selfish.

Flawed Research Underlies Gender Confusion

From two sexes to sixty genders in only a few decades. Are they inborn? New research reeks of speculation.

Science Overturns Itself

Examples of debunked scientific beliefs should give pause about what scientists know.

Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.

Evolutionary Medicine Will Not Help Medical Research

Why evolution has nothing positive to offer medical science

Evolutionists Should Embrace Their Inner Gorilla

The Tarzan Movement would be ideal for evolutionists wanting to fulfill their destiny.

Science Turns Against Humanity

Misanthropic headlines suggest worrisome trends justifying reduction in quality of life.

Secrets of the Vagus Nerve Revealed

This nerve is turning out to be of central importance in health.

Big Science Airs Its Dirty Laundry

All is not well in scientism. Big Science is as fallible as other institutions.

Genetics of Skin Color Defies Evolution

Skin color: We used to believe it was produced by 3 genes; the number is now 135.

Good Science Still Flourishing Without Darwinism

Take heart at the good things that are coming from Darwin-free research, especially findings that improve our lives.
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