Fire and Brimstone: Why Earth Isn't Like Venus

Both planets have abundant sulfur, but Earth life has a way of cycling it for good.

Science Supports Biblical View of Fathers, Mothers, Kids

Despite the materialist mindset of our scientific culture, evidence continues to support human exceptionalism and Biblical morality.

Scientific Progress Needs Design, Not Darwin

Numerous papers advancing scientific knowledge rely on design principles, not evolutionary notions.

Bioethics: Into the Storm Without an Anchor

On several fronts, scientists without a track record of ethical trustworthiness are pushing culture toward dangerous practices.

Your First Breath Was Irreducibly Complex

Multiple changes had to take place on cue when you came out of the womb.

CRISPR Opens Pandora's Box

A quick-and-easy gene editing procedure has leading scientists worried.

Why Awe Is Uniquely Human

Psychologists are noticing that a sense of awe makes you a better person. Why is it a uniquely human trait?

Science Needs God; and Hurry!

Science is in a crisis of ethics. What would you expect from a community that rejects the Ten Commandments for morality that evolves?

News from Eden

Some recent findings fit naturally with a Genesis view of natural history.

Theology Affects Society

One's beliefs about God affect everything from criminal justice to personal hope.

Mental Marvels

The "mind-body problem" is alive and well. Can these phenomena be reduced to matter in motion?

Neanderthal News and the Limits of Organic Material Survival

Red blood cells and DNA samples raise questions about the decay time of soft tissue and genetic material.

Real Men Take Nature Walks

When this man tells you to get out and take a walk in nature, you'd better do it.

Skin Is Repaired by Zipper Mechanism

The details of wound repair and prevention are coming to light.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Ancient

An isolated tribe in a remote place in Amazonia has antibiotic resistance genes in its gut bacteria.
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