The “Empty” Space in the Brain Has Vital Functions

Extra-cellular space (ECS)—the space between brain cells—has important functions that are 'mind boggling,' too.

The Wisdom of Doubting Scientific Consensus

If you wait long enough, scientists will find exceptions to their dogmas and will have to rethink everything.

New Video Reveals a Heart for Design

New film on the human heart opens the door to prior fitness of the universe for complex life.

Big Science More Concerned About Stigma than Health

Take your pick: shame or death. Which do you think is worse?

Big Science Still Pushing Abortion

With lies and propaganda, academics and journals push abortion without a hint of trying to be objective.

How Naked Mole-Rats Avoid Mutations

Naked mole-rat research eloquently supports the creationists’ position that mutations are dominant in causing disease, aging, and eventually, death.

Thymus Cells Train in Boot Camp

New findings about the thymus gland reveal how it learns friend from foe

Big Science Still Defending Abortion

The Supreme Court has spoken, sending the issue back to the states. Big Science is still defending the radical activists.

Waste Not, Want Not

In God’s natural economy, nothing is ever wasted   We learn in biology that plants use the carbon dioxide that we exhale, and we inhale the oxygen that plants and photosynthetic microbes release. Our skin flakes are food for microbes. Since fertilizer is made from cow manure, our solid waste could potentially have that function […]

Eye Cornea Stuns Physiologists

It's more complex than assumed a few weeks ago, illustrating that as science progresses, evolution regresses.

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Can Science Analyze Wisdom?

A sociologist finds that wise people age better. But first, she has to know what wisdom is.

More Evidence Social Scientists Are Philosophical Dullards

Is it any surprise that the evolutionary theory of humanity corrupts clear thinking?

Big Science Pushes Abortion

Someone please show us a scientific paper or press release that urges valuing the life of the unborn.
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