Echoes of Eugenics Are Still With Us

Evolution’s legacy of eugenics lives on and on and on. Consider the ongoing case of Britney Spears.

Stem Cell Update: Where Are the Cures?

Not the panacea they were once widely believed to be, because the body is more complex than formerly assumed.

How the Body Protects the Germline

Germline mutations – it could have been much worse!

Mutations Destroy Evolution

Mutations are not the savior of evolution but its destroyer... and now we know why.

Body Gifts to Stop Taking for Granted

There's more going on in our bodies than we know. We should exercise more gratitude.

Is Cancer an Example of Evolution?

Does everything evolve, even cancer? Actually, cancer research is based on intelligent design, not evolution.

Science Needs Evolution Like It Needs Terrorism

Don't follow the hype that Darwinian principles are useful for science, medicine or politics.

Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenia: why would God create a harmful plant?

Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced

New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done.

Weekend Funnies and Surprises

This is an assortment of news items that update previous posts, with some surprising discoveries tossed in.

Sunflower Science Without Darwinism

Researchers do good work on sunflowers without descending into Darwinian storytelling   Is it possible to do biology without evolution? Can you even talk about fitness and reproductive success without attributing it to blind forces of nature? After all, healthy species do reproduce successfully, or else they would be extinct. Noting that does not require […]

The Teaching Power of Nature

Scientists continue to find reasons for getting outdoors and observing the beauty of the world

Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice

With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science.

Psychotherapy Is Useless

For treating borderline personality disorder, doing nothing is cheaper than paying a psychotherapist and likely to be just as successful.

Big Science Pushed Anti-Science Agenda on Masks

Science’s reputation has been tarnished by a consensus that used flawed science to inflict health risks on millions of students for over a year.
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