Health The Opposite of Worry Is Awe June 30, 2019 There's nothing better than seeing the power and beauty of nature to take your mind off your worries. Or is there? CONTINUE READING
Media Liberal Journal and Media Disparage Conservatives, but Censor Falsification June 28, 2019 A widely-cited paper disparaging conservatives was falsified, but the journal refused to admit it or publish a retraction. CONTINUE READING
Health Can Darwin Help Your Doctor? June 24, 2019 How do bacteria gain resistance to antibiotics? Dr Bergman explains that it is by loss, not gain, of genetic information. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Are Terrorists Radicalized by Their Brains? June 23, 2019 When multiple factors are at work, sorting them out is difficult, and inferences about causality can be misleading. CONTINUE READING
Health Created Designs for Good Health June 22, 2019 Science keeps finding that good health is built into the Master Plan. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Is Secular Science Re-Opening the Door to Eugenics? June 19, 2019 Justice Clarence Thomas writes a stern, cautionary brief linking Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and Margaret Sanger. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain ‘Hominids’ Were Gender Binary June 15, 2019 Political activists will have more trouble arguing for gender fluidity, now that binary sex roles go way back. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Spiritual Science: Anything But God June 9, 2019 Materialists would rather escape into mysticism than consider a personal Creator. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution Cannot Do Justice to Morality June 8, 2019 Jargon-rich theories to explain altruism in Darwinian terms melt in the light. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Autism: Another Example of Evolution Misleading Science with Tragic Results June 6, 2019 Darwinians taught for decades that noncoding DNA consisted of evolutionary leftovers, but science is finding more and more functions in it. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Designed Selection Is Not Evolution May 28, 2019 When you insert mindful choice or programmed choice into a process, Darwinism disappears. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Brain Makes Automatic Statistical Inference May 27, 2019 Your brain isn't a computer, but contains a powerful one. CONTINUE READING
Health Purposefulness Promotes Health, Longevity May 26, 2019 A purpose-driven life has side benefits of psychological health and drive, and might even prolong your life. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics The Left’s Anti-Science Agenda on Sex May 25, 2019 One would think re-affirming women would gain a leader praise. In this instance, the leader is vilified. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Evolutionist Cries, We Must Stop Human Evolution! May 19, 2019 A few sentences from this evolutionist's plea should cure theologians of theistic evolution. CONTINUE READING