Some Meditation Practices Can Be Scary

A non-judgmental survey of reactions to meditation found a surprising percentage of negative experiences afterward.

Neanderthals Were Just Another Ethnic Group of Real People

It's taken more than a century, but scientists are now promoting Neanderthals to their rightful place in the modern human family.

Remarkable Resuscitations

Doctors and families should not be too quick to unplug a comatose person. Look what can happen.

Leading Darwinist Advocates Breeding Humans with Chimps

A leading Darwinist advocates breeding "humanzees" to prove evolution. It was tried before to science's disgrace.

Creation Helps One Endure Hardship

Jeanne Tomlinson shares how she learned that creation helps a person endure suffering and trials.

Mencken’s Law at Work in Science

The intuitive solution to a problem can be actually more harmful than the problem itself.

Questionable Categories of Human Ancestors: The Denisovans

What happens when you derive a whole people group from a fingerbone? Confusion and every evil work.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism

Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends.

No, Grandparents Are Not Products of Evolution

Is nothing sacred? Evolutionists try to explain grandparents by Darwinism, but run into conundrums —while dishonoring seniors.

Humans May Have a Residual Magnetic Sense

Could our ancestors have navigated by Earth's magnetic field? Some scientists believe they have evidence.

Your Soul Comes With Automated Brain Software

When you think about the following news about the brain's processing powers, ask yourself, "who" is operating it?

The Extrapolation Fallacy in Evolutionary Storytelling

The assumption of universal common ancestry can lead to absurd scientific reasoning.

More Penitence Needed Toward Our Neanderthal Brethren

Evolutionists acknowledge changing views toward Neanderthals, but they fall short of apology for fake science.

More Science Behind Gender Differences

Male-female differences are a matter of science fact, not political ideology.
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