Archive: Christmas Stories from 2005

Here are a couple of entries relating to Christmas from 18 years ago.

Transgenders Face Lifetime of Regret

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Drugs and surgery cannot overcome mental issues.

The Greatest Miracle of Jesus

An eye surgeon considers the implications of giving sight to someone who never saw.

No, Thanksgiving Did Not Evolve

Atheists mangle the meaning of gratitude by making it selfish.

The Eyes Have It: Another Case of Evolution Falsification

A comparison of cephalopod eyes with mammal eyes does not demonstrate Darwinian evolution.

Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Darwinian Anthropology Is Inherently Elitist

A study on African hunter-gatherer singing habits borders on racism, elitism, and malpractice.

Your Nose Smells in Stereo

Scientific understanding of olfactory information reaching the brain has doubled.

Evolutionary Environmentalist Dehumanizes People in Tree Worship

Should trees be given equal rights to people? A dangerous trend is rooted in Darwinism.

Evolutionists Deceive Themselves about Consciousness

Nature cannot select consciousness unless you make it an idol.

Materialists Choose to Believe in Determinism

Why do materialists fail to see the self-refuting flaw in denial of free will?

Does Darwin’s Theory of Sexual Selection Explain Anything?

It does not explain the origin of new traits, but only the frequency of some existing traits.

Archive Classic: 2003 News on Cells

Here are two CEH articles from 20 years ago—worth reading—that were lost during the website upgrade.

Darwinism Dehumanizes

Evolutionary theory undermines all that is good, true and beautiful in human nature.

Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.
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