Materialists Have No Theory of Human Dignity

People logically make the connection between human exceptionalism and dignity, but scientific materialism cannot supply either.

Darwinism as All-Purpose Fiction Plot

No scientific rigor needed. Just say "It evolved."

Non-Darwinian Biological Change

Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm.

Silly Stories Demean Science

If science had an icon like the Statue of Liberty, she would be hanging her head in disgrace for what passes for science these days.

Let Your Mind Marvel at Its Brain

Amazing processes go on in the physical brain that most of our minds do not even know about.

Scientists Can Be Inept Philosophers

An undergrad philosopher could make mince meat out of some scientists' claims.

More Upsets in Human Origins Stories

When it comes to a consensus on how humans evolved, there's no "there" there.

Media Perpetuates Lazy Thinking

Lazy reporters don't do their homework, two critics in different fields complain.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Show Promise

Ethical stem cells from adult tissues make more news than embryonic stem cells.

Sleep on It: Housekeeping Night Crew Works Swing Shift

Why do we sleep? A new theory identifies a vital purpose for those seemingly lost hours.

Your Body Needs Its Nature Medicine

Trapping yourself indoors most of the day? Studies show that health improves with outdoor experiences in nature.

Evolutionists Undermine Their Own Truth Claims

Two evolutionists appeal to "evolutionary forces" to explain the rise of bad science.

Early Man Foot Kicks Evolution

Fossil footprints identical to modern human prints cast serious doubt on the evolutionary timeline.

Pardon, Your Worldview Is Showing

The most dangerous ideology is the one that doesn't acknowledge its worldview assumptions.

Immorality Collides With Nature

When all else fails, get out the Manufacturer's manual. Better, do it before all the trouble starts.
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