You Should Trust Scientists (To Be Fallible)

Public trust in scientists exceeds their trustworthiness, experts warn.

Why Awe Is Uniquely Human

Psychologists are noticing that a sense of awe makes you a better person. Why is it a uniquely human trait?

Gecko Gripper Picks Up Anything

The gecko gripper is just one of many exciting developments in the field of biomimetics: the imitation of nature's designs.

Researchers Test Scientific Brainwashing

Psychologists test methods of unconsciously manipulating people's biases – and nobody seems worried about it.

Your Prophetic Brain

Your eyes and brain come pre-wired to make predictions, and they are usually right. Even babies know that.

Science Needs God; and Hurry!

Science is in a crisis of ethics. What would you expect from a community that rejects the Ten Commandments for morality that evolves?

News from Eden

Some recent findings fit naturally with a Genesis view of natural history.

Theology Affects Society

One's beliefs about God affect everything from criminal justice to personal hope.

Mental Marvels

The "mind-body problem" is alive and well. Can these phenomena be reduced to matter in motion?

Neanderthal News and the Limits of Organic Material Survival

Red blood cells and DNA samples raise questions about the decay time of soft tissue and genetic material.

The Parts List for Hearing

Want to hear what goes on when you hear sounds? Hair cells wave in the fluid, responding to specific frequencies, and hundreds of proteins go into action.

Real Men Take Nature Walks

When this man tells you to get out and take a walk in nature, you'd better do it.

Big Science in Crisis of Trust

A flurry of recent articles underscore the absolute necessity for integrity in science.

Did Apostle Paul Just See a Meteor?

An astronomer explains away Paul's Damascus vision as a meteor that "changed the course of Christianity." But does this explain a miracle or insert several more?

If Science Cannot Prove Anything, What Is Its Value?

An educator defends science while an astrophysicist undermines it.
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