Cell Biology Antibiotic Resistance Is Ancient April 18, 2015 An isolated tribe in a remote place in Amazonia has antibiotic resistance genes in its gut bacteria. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain What's On Your Mind? April 15, 2015 News on neuroscience that will stimulate you to think about your brain thinking about thinking. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Abortion "Science" Shows Its Deathly Bias April 14, 2015 When science reporters discuss the biggest ethical issue of our day, they show no concern for the unborn. CONTINUE READING
Health Thank God for Nature April 12, 2015 For your health and happiness, get outdoors and be grateful. Science is confirming Psalm 148. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Human Epoch or Epic Hubris? April 11, 2015 Evolutionary geologists are toying with an idea for a new time period, the "Anthropocene Epoch." What for? CONTINUE READING
Human Body Your Body: Design from Head to Toe April 3, 2015 Every body part has its place and is well-designed for its function. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Body Diversity Threatens to Undermine Paleoanthropology March 30, 2015 People don't all look the same today; body types vary tremendously. Why should we assume differently about the past? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Secular Scientists Rely on Biblical Values March 29, 2015 It's a material world, except when you need truth, justice, and the scientific way. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Stone Tools Still Have Animal Residue March 25, 2015 Claimed to be half a million years old, stone tools found in Israel still contain traces of animal fat and vegetable matter. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science How to Doubt a Consensus March 16, 2015 You don't need to be a "denialist." Just read the fine print in their own publications, and understand the limits of science. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain The Politics of Happiness March 14, 2015 Sometimes scientists get it right, and sometimes they get it wrong. Humans are too complex to fit pet theories, but even scientists can notice what works. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Another "Oldest Homo" Contender Alleged March 5, 2015 Not again: another jawbone is making the rounds in the human-evolution saga. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Freedom: The Best Conservation Strategy February 28, 2015 Do-gooder environmentalists trying to save the Amazon rainforests make the problem worse. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Backward Wiring of Eye Retina Confirmed as Optimal February 27, 2015 You can't get any better performance out of an eyeball than the way it's designed, backward wiring and all. CONTINUE READING
Physics Classical Physics Is Non-Deterministic February 26, 2015 It's not just quantum mechanics that's weird. Reality—no matter the scientific foundation—is weird, too. CONTINUE READING