More Discoveries Contradict Human Evolution Story

As more findings fail to fit the Darwinian picture, the evolutionary story of man appears to be unraveling.

More Surprises for Evolutionists

Neo-Darwinists would not have predicted the results they got when studying fish, alligators, monkeys and mice.

Science Reporter Says Scientists Are Like Cattle

A science reporter lists several reasons why scientists are about as trustworthy as bankers.

Awe, Shucks: Backwards Causation in Scientific Explanation

Is it the emotion of awe that creates belief in the supernatural, or is it the other way around?

Javelin Upsets Early Man Timeline

A well-crafted spear point for a javelin is dated way too early for the current evolutionary timeline.

New Attempts to Disparage Maleness

Lab mice can produce offspring with just two genes from their Y chromosomes, but what does that mean for men?

Trillions of Helpers in Your Body and Brain

Recent discoveries in human physiology should cause us to stand in awe of the design of our earthly dwelling, especially at the scale of cells.

Obvious Things Scientists Are "Discovering"

Do we really need scientists to tell us the obvious?

Incredible Stories of Human Ability in Weakness

Here are three amazing stories that speak for themselves.

Respect for Alfred Russel Wallace: Too Little, Too Late

On the 100th anniversary of his death, Alfred Russell Wallace is getting a smattering of attention, but not nearly what Darwin gets every day. Perhaps it's because the co-discoverer of natural selection believed in intelligent design.

Snakes on a Brain, and Other Evolutionary Stories

When evolution is seen as a storytelling game rather than a serious attempt at scientific explanation, it suddenly makes sense.

Boost Your Health Outdoors

Health experts keep finding more reasons for people of all ages to get active outside in nature.

Bee Brain Shows Design Matters Over Size

Honeybees can be trained to grasp conceptual relationships, new experiments show, demonstrating that it's not just brain size that governs ability.

3-D Printing Is a Simplified Form of Biomimetics

One of the hottest industrial revolutions in progress is 3-D printing. It can't hold a candle, though, to biological materials construction.

How Sleep Helps the Brain

Sleeping is essential for health, we know. But how many know the processes that clear out the clutter for the next day's work?
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