Big Science Lobbies for Abortion

When judging whether Big Science and Big Media are trustworthy, look at their treatment of abortion.

Half-Truthing the History of Lobotomy

Reporters tell only half of the story by ignoring the major contribution of Darwinism.

Echoes of Eugenics Are Still With Us

Evolution’s legacy of eugenics lives on and on and on. Consider the ongoing case of Britney Spears.

Body Gifts to Stop Taking for Granted

There's more going on in our bodies than we know. We should exercise more gratitude.

Evolution of Language Studies Hit a Wall

Evolutionary linguists would like to find universal common ancestry in languages, but they can't get there.

Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenia: why would God create a harmful plant?

Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative

Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales.

Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced

New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done.

The Teaching Power of Nature

Scientists continue to find reasons for getting outdoors and observing the beauty of the world

Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice

With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science.

Cell Biologists Describe a “Beautiful, Flawless Machine”

All life depends on the Kinetochore. It hasn't evolved for a "billion years."

Psychotherapy Is Useless

For treating borderline personality disorder, doing nothing is cheaper than paying a psychotherapist and likely to be just as successful.

On the Origin of Consciousness by Naturalistic Speculation

Consciousness, and how it evolved, is called the greatest mystery in the universe. After decades of research, it still baffles materialistic scientists.

Trusting Science Is Not the Same as Critical Thinking

Experiments with participants given fake science show that those who "trust science" can be gullible.

Scientific American Prints Big Lies

Does white supremacy motivate rejection of evolution? Time to set the record straight!
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