Hope Needs a Reason

Hope is good for you. But hope in what?

On the Evolution of Cuteness

Darwin silliness has reached a new low. A grad student is working on a paper about how evolution makes people watch cat videos.

Mask Wearing Can Do Harm

For those who claim to "follow the science," here is a lesson on the difficulty of proving the benefit of a blanket policy.

Eugenics Reborn: Devaluing Down Syndrome Births (Part 2)

Did eugenics ever die? A new movement says it hasn’t!  by Jerry Bergman, PhD My last report covered an article in The Atlantic magazine (November 2020) titled, “The Last Children of Down Syndrome,” by Sarah Zhang, in which she explores the eugenic results of prenatal testing in Denmark. She reported that Denmark and other Nordic […]

The New Eugenics: Eliminating Down Syndrome

Why the left is vehemently in support of abortion and opposed to President Trump and his last Supreme Court judges, all pro-life.

Evolutionary Clues and Evolutionist Cluelessness

There is one redeeming feature in this otherwise non-rigorous Darwin story: a lesson about avoiding assumptions.

Unexpected Synergy in Bilateral Symmetry

Working on one side of the body affects the other side, even if it is idle. How can that be?

Early Man: Toumai Deposed

Toumai, one of the most important hominids ever found has been debunked.

UFOs and SETI Are Not the Same

A secular astronomer distinguishes belief that space aliens exist and the notion that they have visited Earth.

God Delusion, or Atheist Delusion?

"Live Science" lets a so-called "expert" equate all religion with psychological delusions. The tables should be turned on atheists.

Reasons to Be Thankful When Depressed

By all accounts, 2020 has been a bad year: pandemic, lost jobs, riots, a contested election, restrictions on freedom. Rejoice!

Readings in the Philosophy of Science

For a lazy Sunday afternoon, try learning some things about what science can and cannot do, and the biases that affect it.

Human Hands Are Designed, Not Evolved

Evolutionists finally admit Intelligent Design is valid! (Not exactly, but close.)

Do Science for Good

Scientists should get away from philosophizing and help their fellow human beings.

Re-imagining Food

Would you eat these things? Gross but nutritious, some health scientists say we should.
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