Sense of Purpose Uplifts Society

Australia's young adults are setting themselves up for major depression and social upheaval. Here's why.

Hard Science Has a Firm Grip on Unreality

Anybody who thinks the hard sciences give us confidence in the real world should read this.

Is the Human Body Poorly Designed?

For starters, three claims of poor design in the body are refuted by a college teacher of human anatomy.

Darwinism Makes Human Ancestors Out to Be Morons

It's impossible to believe our ancestors were as dumb as evolutionists make them out to be. But Darwinians must believe it.

Big Science Waffles on Gender Confusion

The mouthpieces for science don't seem to know whether to use common sense or go with the PC current.

Your Body Talks to Itself

Proteins form large communications network to keep the body in sync with the biological clock.

Why Theistic Evolution Is Not a Good Option

A book review from Creation Ministries International explains why evangelicals should not needlessly cave on evolution.

Purpose Does Not Emerge from Neurons

A neuroscientist just doesn't get it.

To Improve Credibility, Science Must Get Out of Politics

Big Science journals need to either balance their coverage of political issues or drop them altogether to avoid losing half their audience.

Humans: Better Designed and Capable than Darwinism Can Explain

Look at the equipment humans come with. Look at the things they can do. Is this the work of blind chance? Equipped for Rapid Repair Researchers unearth secret tunnels between the skull and the brain (National Institutes of Health). An expert in stroke recovery noticed something interesting. Experimenting with rats, Dr. Matthias Nahrendorf noticed that […]

Science Fails Its Ideals

Fraud, lack of integrity and non-reproducible results continue to plague Big Science. Fair debate can help.

Political Correctness Blinds Science to Common Sense

There's been a rapid rise in transgender cases lately, and researchers at an ivy-league college can't figure out why.

Nature Clears Your Head

Why does exposure to nature produce so many health benefits? Researchers found some possible reasons.

Are These Really Transitional Fossils?

To get to the truth, you often have to tune out the Darwin cheerleaders and just examine the data. Transitional Turtle Science reporters like to bring fossils to the imagination with colorful artwork. The artist’s conception of Eorhynchochelys, a fossil found in China, shows it looking somewhat like a sea turtle without a hard shell. […]

The Evolution of Darwinist Propaganda Tactic #8

The Association Fallacy tries to generate bad emotions against a target group by linking it to undesirable groups.
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