Galaxy Evolution Crisis: Start Over

When you see the words "challenging" and "requires substantial revision" in the abstract, you know trouble is coming.

Are Hobbits Human?

Are the little people of Indonesia and South Africa just small versions of us? Wherever they came from, and whatever they were doing in the caves in which they were found, they don't fit evolutionary expectations.

Atheist Denies Atheism Is a Religion

Atheist asks, "Is atheism just another religion?" and waddles into a mess of definitions. There's a better question to ask.

Your Brain Comes Equipped with Techno-Apps

If you bought these capabilities in an app store, you would think they are way cool. Surprise: they're already bundled in your brain's operating system.

Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution

Imprecise language confuses the evolution issue, making it seem like goal-directed activity of intelligent minds mimics Darwinism.

Scientism on Plagues, or Vice Versa

Can the 10 plagues in Exodus be explained by science? Only through the plague of scientism, which is plagued itself by its own miracles.

Resurrection Debate Time

Easter is coming. It must be time for secularists to emerge like cicadas, chirping that the resurrection of Christ never happened. Sure enough.

Illogic Is Rife in Science Media

A simple exercise shows that what materialists are telling us cannot possibly be true. So why do reporters give them any mind?
Earthrise 2015 LRO

Your Mind Can Space Out, But Your Body Belongs on Earth

Through the imagination, we can soar through distant galaxies. Sooner or later, physical reality hits home.

OOL’s Gold and Animism

What is the spark that turns molecules into life? For the materialist, it's the spirit of imagination.

Scientists Blind to Their Failings

Scientism sounds appealing in theory. In practice, human scientists fall short of its ideals of enlightenment, progress and understanding.

Is Science Special?

Scientists are gathering this month to march – for what? How different is Big Science from any other special interest group making demands on the government?

Secular Scientists Prefer Humans Extinct

At a recent panel, scientists doubted whether it would be a good idea to revive the human species if it went extinct.

Evolutionists Underestimate the Human Brain

To understand human exceptionalism, we will have to first eradicate fake science promulgated by dismissive materialists.

The Lone Ranger vs the Big Science Consensus

National Geographic retells the lonely battle of J Harlen Bretz against the scientific establishment, and what made them so pig-headed.
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