Early Man Neanderthal Concept Has Imploded February 22, 2016 If Neanderthals interbred with modern humans as early as new findings suggest, the distinction becomes meaningless. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Science Requires Godly Values February 21, 2016 Much as they try to evolutionize religion, scientists recognize that Biblical values are essential for science. CONTINUE READING
Education Who Misunderstands Evolution? February 20, 2016 Some pro-Darwin reporters and scientists think that if people just understood evolution, they would accept it. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science If You Can't Trust Scientists, You Can't Trust Science February 8, 2016 Science may be "out there" in the world, but its discoveries are mediated by fallible scientists. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Human Evolution Timeline Contradicts Human Nature February 5, 2016 Even stupid people don't sit around in caves for tens of thousands of years. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Animals that Defy Long Ages February 1, 2016 A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Hi-Tech Human Brain Better Than Thought January 31, 2016 The capacity of the human brain is stunning. We should use it more. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Darwinism Produces Sociopathic Ideologies January 24, 2016 Look at what some evolutionists are saying about the implications of their theory for human society. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Smart Money Is on Adult Stem Cells, but Some Scientists Still Lust after Embryos January 19, 2016 When adult stem cells do the job, why are some scientists tinkering with human embryos? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Scientists Discover Godliness Works January 17, 2016 Many secular researchers deny God, but sometimes have to admit his principles fit human behavior. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Without Integrity, There Is No Science January 16, 2016 Science continues facing a crisis in credibility, leaving Big Science institutions scrambling for solutions. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Sexual Orientation is Not "Born That Way" January 10, 2016 Psychologist says there is little scientific evidence that sexual-orientation is biological, but two powerful men forced the sexual revolution on the country. CONTINUE READING
Solar System New Earthrise Is a Stunner December 24, 2015 Take a look at this image from a lunar orbiter on the 47th anniversary of the historic Apollo 8 "Earthrise" photo. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Antique Homo Claims Threatened by New Bones December 18, 2015 The number of potential overhauls in thinking from this thigh bone in China is staggering. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Early Builders Were Intelligent Designers December 17, 2015 What do Stonehenge and Chaco Canyon have in common? On opposite sides of the globe, they illustrate human nature. CONTINUE READING