Philosophy of Science Is Science Returning to Mysticism? April 3, 2023 Mysticism can take many forms. It can be god-of-the-gaps, or it can be refusal to consider the possibility of a immaterial causes. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwinism, a Worldview for Bigots March 15, 2023 Within Darwinism, you don't have to debate Darwin skeptics. All you have to do is mudsling and call names. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Why Evolutionists Are Obsessed with Abortion February 27, 2023 Simple answer: they're materialists and leftists who hate God. That's obvious in the completely one-sided articles they write. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Why the Brain Is Superior to A.I. February 8, 2023 Scientists have a long way to go to make viable comparisons to the Human Brain CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science On the Origin of Speciesism, Part 2 February 3, 2023 Policies against "speciesism" would effectively end civilization as we know it. Citizens must be informed about this new "ism" from secular science. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science On the Origin of Speciesism, Part 1 February 2, 2023 Policies against "speciesism" would effectively end civilization as we know it. Citizens must be informed about this new "ism" from secular science. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Supreme Court Clarifies Establishment Clause January 31, 2023 Has the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Itself on church-state matters? A recent decision examined. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Bible and Science Exhibit Comes to Washington December 30, 2022 The Museum of the Bible in Washington DC is opening a new exhibit in January called "Scripture and Science." CONTINUE READING
Education How to Do a Survey and Get Wrong Results December 28, 2022 New survey claims nationality and household income are more influential than religion in rejecting evolution. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin’s Bulldog Raised Mentally-Ill Perverts December 26, 2022 Another review of a book about the Huxley family unloads the dirty laundry. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Happy Atheist Christmas December 23, 2022 Atheists don't want to be left out of Christmastime. But are their "ethical celebrations" well grounded in their worldview? CONTINUE READING
Cosmology ABG Cosmology: Anything But God December 20, 2022 Cosmologists can admit total ignorance about origins and publish "science" articles, as long as they remain ABG. CONTINUE READING
SETI The Pseudoscience of Psychoanalyzing Aliens December 19, 2022 One cannot determine the motives of beings that are completely unknown. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Is the Scrooge of Science December 16, 2022 Character becomes twisted in Darwinism; righteousness is trashed, and vice is rationalized. CONTINUE READING
Solar System The Last and Lasting Footprint on the Moon December 14, 2022 50 years ago, Harrison Schmitt left the last footprint on the moon, but he is leaving tracks of an independent thinker on Earth. CONTINUE READING