Transgenders Face Lifetime of Regret

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Drugs and surgery cannot overcome mental issues.

Wildlife Conservationists Need to Study History

Fair hunting laws actually benefit wildlife populations.

COP28 vs Science

The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference.

Pat-a-Pan: Chimp-Bonobo Myth Debunked

Everyone has been told that chimps are aggressive and bonobos are cooperative. It's not true.

New Book on Scopes Trial Exposes Racism

This is the first book documenting the fact that the Scopes Trial was, at its heart, about racism.

Archive: In 2004, Big Science Worried that Democrats Vastly Outnumber Republicans

The journal Science said 19 years ago that the lopsided political views in academia marginalizes conservatives.

Big Science Has Lost Its Way

Ruled by leftist academicians and globalists, scientific institutions have betrayed the public.

Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland

Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy.

No, Thanksgiving Did Not Evolve

Atheists mangle the meaning of gratitude by making it selfish.

Archive: Who’s to Blame for Environmental Destruction?

This article from 20 years ago debunks (by scientists) the myths of "pristine wilderness" ruined by white settlers.

Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Frank Borman, Genesis-Reading Astronaut, Travels Beyond the Stars

The Apollo 8 crew is remembered for its Christmas Eve reading from Genesis 1.

Illustra Highlights a Monarch Wonder

Learn about butterflies that live long and fly thousands of miles to an exact spot they have never seen.

Christian Chemist Trounces 10 Leading OoL Researchers

Dr James Tour's easy challenge to origin-of-life leads is a total victory against chemical evolution.

Evolutionary Environmentalist Dehumanizes People in Tree Worship

Should trees be given equal rights to people? A dangerous trend is rooted in Darwinism.
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