Intelligent Design Darwin Debate Heats Up February 13, 2019 Controversy surrounding Michael Behe's latest book is just the tip of the iceberg. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Happy Darwin Day, Japan: Look What He Did to You February 12, 2019 Many horrors of World War II can be traced to Darwinian thinking. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Saturday Funnies from the DODO Heads February 9, 2019 Here's the latest DOPE from the DODO heads. They hate being laughed at. They want so passionately to be taken seriously. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Gender PC Tugs at Scientific Objectivity February 5, 2019 Hot news! Men and women are different! Watch PC-influenced psychologists commit logical fallacies denying the obvious. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Design Advocates Are Decades Ahead of Darwinists February 4, 2019 Materialists are just waking up to realities that ID advocates have been writing about for decades. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin, the Idol of Richard Dawkins and His Followers February 1, 2019 The adoration that the world's leading atheist gives to Charles Darwin goes over the top, says a scientist Dawkins refused to debate. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Global Policies Can Trust Fake Science January 30, 2019 Some matters are just too complicated to know with certainty. Here's another "whoops" moment in climate science. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Counting Craters: Bad Assumptions Undermine Reliability January 29, 2019 A new chronology of Earth/moon history reaches conclusions that are so assumption-ridden as to be worthless. CONTINUE READING
Education UK Pushing Darwinism on Elementary Students January 25, 2019 With new methods and materials, UK teachers will be promoting Darwinism on Grade 5-6 students. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations January 21, 2019 The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Missouri Doctors Oppose Medical Marijuana January 20, 2019 Doctors in Missouri face tough times in a state where voters approved medical marijuana. They don't want to prescribe it. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection: The Ghost Idol of Biology January 19, 2019 A spirit that works in mysterious ways. Biologists cannot nail it down, but insist it can turn bacteria into biologists. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology New Survey of College Students’ Religious Beliefs Published January 13, 2019 Theologians and ministers may want to think about results of a survey of 275 college students about their theological beliefs. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Holocaust Intensity Worse than Believed January 9, 2019 With American technological assistance, over 1.47 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during a short 100-day surge. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Male-Female Differences Matter January 5, 2019 Efforts to enforce "equality" between the sexes can go awry with fake science, and consequences can be severe. CONTINUE READING