Archive: First Land Animals, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Beetle Fans

Enjoy some of our posts from 22 years ago, which were lost during a website upgrade.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

Overpopulation Scare Replaced by Falling Birth-Rate Crisis

 The "Population Bomb" scare was a dud. The opposite is now worrying scientists.

Tale of the Tail: Why the Human Coccyx Is Not a Vestigial Organ

Tall tales about the loss of the human tail continue to mislead.

Wildflowers Illustrate Resurrection

Enjoy a beautiful new video for Easter from Illustra Media.

Darwin Was a Loser Before He Was Recast as a Legend

The Myth was not the man. A new book shows this in Darwin's own words.

Archive: Wood, Gratitude, and Space Aliens

These stories from 2003 are still fun to read after 21 years. Read about wood, gratitude, and space alien morality.

Philosopher Debunks Scientism But Falls Into His Own Pit

It's not necessary to be a scholar in academia to recognize logical blunders. It just takes common sense.

Archive: DNA, Insects, Human Body, Fossils

These stories from March 2003 are useful for comparing what science was saying 21 years ago with discoveries since then.

Noah and Flood Get Media Exposure

Two events are presenting evidence for a global Flood and a floating craft that saved Noah's family.

Trans Men Can Get Pregnant

New research reveals dangers in the gender transitioning experiment.

Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

Archive: Gates of the Cell, and More ID Evidence

These articles from March 2002 were interesting then and still are now.

Archive: Black Cats, Early Galaxies, Baghdad Batteries, and a Christian Geologist

These articles from early March 2003 show what CEH was reporting 21 years ago when the Iraq War was going on.
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