Influential Evolutionist Fails to See His Own Contradictions

He trains philosophically-unsophisticated students with self-refuting ideas with the force of moral subjectivity.

Darwinians Gloat Over Political Power

With media behind them, they can spout their talking points without controversy, while weak politicians only appease their critics.

Does ISIS Evolve?

This may be the winning candidate for worst Darwinian just-so story of the decade.

Fake 'Gospel' Manuscript Exposed

The so-called "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" is almost certainly a fraud.

Should Terrorism Victims Be Put at More Risk?

They're already fighting for life. Why give them a deadly disease?

Big Science Lies About Chirality in Space

What was discovered has nothing to do with life, nor does it contribute in any way to solving one of the "greatest mysteries of chemistry."

Naive Evolution Stories Undermine Scientific Rigor

"Epistemic modesty" was a virtue until Darwin came along and launched a storytelling empire.

No Need to Tinker With Human Embryos

Programmed adult stem cells can do everything, but some researchers are determined to keep tinkering with human beings.

More Hobbit Bones Found

Indonesian fossils extend evolutionary timeline but create new problems.

Science Is Biased

They admit it; you can't get rid of bias in science. Big Science has too many problems of its own to dictate ethics to others.

Neanderthals Underestimated Again

Neanderthals show mental creativity for too long a period to support the evolutionary timeline.

Evolution Is Not a Designer

From Richard Dawkins to new prizewinning engineers, scientists get natural selection all wrong.

A Media Bias Sampler

Support for conservatism in secular science media is as rare as a true transitional form in the fossil record.

Teachers Squeamish About Evolution

It may be the only game in town, but evolution-only education isn't turning biology professors into cheerleaders for Darwin.

SETI Communication Only Outward So Far

While we wait for responses, all we hear are echoes of our own intelligent signals into space.
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