On Gender Issues, Atheists Devour Their Own

The facts of biology force evolutionists to agree with the Bible . . . at least in one case.

Darwin Is Evolving

Evolvability, non-selective adaptation, mechanics over genetics – change is in the air.

Climate Change Causes Space Aliens

It's past time to reconsider the presumptive authority of scientific consensus.

Science Reporters Sometimes Rewrite History

Note: A draft of this article was written in July 2021 but not completed.

All Science Is Political Science

Unless independently wealthy, scientists work at the behest of government funding agencies.

Habitability: Just Add Water: A Lot of It

Desert planets are likely unlivable, even if they have water. They need oceans of H2O.

Archive: Bluffing Darwinists, NASA missions, Failing Evolution, Honeybees, More

Here are some resurrected articles from the end of 2001.

2024 in Review

Thanks to readers and supporters of CEH in 2024. Here is a review of this year's posts.

Neanderthals Promoted to Relatives

Once viewed as an extinct missing link, Neanderthals are now seen as our distant relatives.
Outdoor education

CMI: The Creation Safari Man

This article published in Creation Magazine in 2015, reveals some other ministries of our editor, David Coppedge.

Darwin Defense De-Balonied

Some reporters are saying Darwinism is not all bad. Wrong.

Improve Science Education by Ditching Darwin

Educational reform is in the air. A good start would be to eliminate Darwin's dangerous idea and replace it with something better.
Dave Scott and Jim Irwin in "Hadley Rille" by Alan Bean

Moon and Mars Puzzle Geologists

"Young" features have no clear explanation, leaving scientists baffled.

Lucy Worshiped Like a Religious Icon

The adulation given to the ‘Lucy’ bones overlooks big problems with the fossil.

Evolution Rate: All Noise, No Signal

Darwinists boast of reducing noise in evolution data, but where is the signal?
All Posts by Date
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