Reproducibility Debunked as a Myth

Human choice about what data to focus on biases results, says major study.

Flawed Research Underlies Gender Confusion

From two sexes to sixty genders in only a few decades. Are they inborn? New research reeks of speculation.

Science Overturns Itself

Examples of debunked scientific beliefs should give pause about what scientists know.

Darwinism Dehumanizes

Evolutionary theory undermines all that is good, true and beautiful in human nature.

New ‘Assembly Theory’ Is Repackaged Idolatry

New and improved — a mechanistic scientism! But isn't it like the old kind of worship of stones?

Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.

Archive: Does Group Dynamics Trump Natural Selection?

Two of our articles from 2003 are reproduced here, showing we have been in this work for a long time.

Reckless Claims Pollute Science

If scientists are serious about the lack of public trust, let them clean house at the universities.

Nature Read in Youth and Paw

The wild chase of predator after prey happens, but we shouldn't make overly much of it.

Evolutionists Should Embrace Their Inner Gorilla

The Tarzan Movement would be ideal for evolutionists wanting to fulfill their destiny.

Science Turns Against Humanity

Misanthropic headlines suggest worrisome trends justifying reduction in quality of life.

Archive Classic: The Evolution of War and the War of Evolution

Our 20-year-old entry shows that leftist political bias has long been part and parcel of evolutionary storytelling.

Darwinism Dumbs Down Science

Darwinese short circuits the requirement for rigor in scientific explanations.

Researchers, Stop Kowtowing to the Darwin Party

It's not necessary to say that the biological system you're studying "evolved." Drop the habit and your science will improve.

Can Secular Spirituality Exist?

The rarity of life in the cosmos is making some scientists look for meaning in mindlessness.
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