Bible and Theology Evolutionary Psychology Tries to Replace Religion April 8, 2023 Anything a church can do, evolution can do better, think evolutionary psychologists. But is science on their side? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Horse Sense About Horse History Revision April 5, 2023 Plains Indians were riding European-brought horses a century earlier than thought. What does this mean? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Is Science Returning to Mysticism? April 3, 2023 Mysticism can take many forms. It can be god-of-the-gaps, or it can be refusal to consider the possibility of a immaterial causes. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwin Media Competes for April Fool Award March 31, 2023 They didn't realize they were taking part in a competition, but here we let our readers judge the winners. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Batty Hypothesis Supposes Powered Flight Is Glorified Gliding March 29, 2023 What good is an unpowered wing? Will it start flapping? Evolution makes it happen, say 13 Darwinists. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Journal Nature Would Rather Lose Public Trust than Stop Politicizing Science March 24, 2023 Stung by research that showed decline in trust because of political endorsements, Nature remains unrepentant and stubborn. CONTINUE READING
Media How Authoritarianism in Science Prevents Objective Evaluation of Darwinism March 22, 2023 Mockery is not an argument. Let the science speak. CONTINUE READING
Genetics How Could Sex Evolve? March 17, 2023 It still baffles Darwinists after all these years. A new PNAS article reinforces the challenge of explaining the evolution of sex. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwinism, a Worldview for Bigots March 15, 2023 Within Darwinism, you don't have to debate Darwin skeptics. All you have to do is mudsling and call names. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinists Try to Overcome Just-So Story Reputation March 13, 2023 Try as they might, theorists cannot turn Darwinism into a mechanistic law of science. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Embraces Disinformation March 10, 2023 If it's for the common good, lying and manipulating the public is justified, say leftist totalitarians in academia. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Horsemanship Began Recently March 9, 2023 Evolutionists claim that intelligent humans existed a million years ago, but only learned to ride a horse a few thousand years ago. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Macroevolutionary Theory Evaporates March 3, 2023 Evolutionists boisterously advertise their theory as a fact. Looking under the hood, though, one finds hot air and broken promises. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Supernova Remnants Expand Quickly March 2, 2023 The remains of one of the few historically-observed supernovas has expanded 5.5 times faster than expected. CONTINUE READING
Health Keep Darwinists Out of the Hospital March 1, 2023 The ones who brought us eugenics and purposeless existence want to "help" your doctors. No way! CONTINUE READING