Why Has Big Science Become Politically Partisan?

It's no secret: Big Science and its cohorts in media are all in for the political left.

Science Media Abandons Empiricism

By failing to exercise restraint, reporters launch themselves into speculative fantasy islands.

Archive: CEH Reports the Week of 9/11

Reporting continued from California after Washington was hit, but the terror attack caused much food for thought.

Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.

Science Goes with the Cultural Flow

The Easter Island revision shows how science myths can track cultural values.

What’s Hot This Week

Check in several times a day for word about news items appearing on our feeds.

Darwinists Try Another Excuse for Dinosaur Soft Tissue

They can't deny it exists, but their commitment to Deep Time requires an explanation— anything that "could" work.

Dark Matter Searches Continue to Fail

The more precise the detectors, the less the evidence for the mysterious unknown stuff.

Do Genome Sizes Prove Evolution?

Simple life-forms have small, simple genomes; complex life-forms have large, complex genomes.

Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Weird Evolution Stories

Who needs facts when you can just imagine anything and Big Science will publish it?

Rubberduck Reporters Gullible to Science Shamans

Science reporters regurgitate whatever scientists say about things they cannot possibly know.

OOL Research ‘May Have’ Fooled Some People

The phrase "may have" is not scientific. It is a value-laden preference stemming from a prior worldview commitment.

Genesis Ideology Immunizes Against Evil

From several angles, the news shows that an evolutionary worldview leads to bad societal consequences.

Archive: Rafting, Oxygen, Indoctrination, Mars Flood, More

These articles from August 2001 can provoke insight, disgust, humor, or any combination of the three.
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