Nobel Prizes Foment Ignoble Ends

It's Nobel Prize time, and debates are stewing again about whether Alfred Nobel did a good thing by giving a few winners lots of money.

Turkana Boy Hurts Evolutionary Narratives

Scientists cannot conclude even basic information from the most complete human skeleton ever found.

Psychologist, Fix Your Own Problems

Evolutionary psychologists dare to tell normal people about their problems. They have enough of their own.

Recapitulation Theory Zombie Needs Permanent Burial

Haeckel's myth that embryos relive their evolutionary past keeps reviving. Evolutionists need to give it up.

Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters

Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts.

Anti-Theism Makes Cosmologists Go Crazy

Professing themselves to be wise, the professors became fools.

Moral Passion by Evolutionists Makes No Sense

One needs a timeless, universal standard to declare what people should do. Evolution has no such thing.

Massive Study Finds No Evidence of a Gay Gene

Homosexual behavior has always been a challenge to explain by evolution.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film

Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate.

Genomics Shows Evolutionary Theory Is Baseless

New study reveals that evolution does not have a weak foundation: it has NO foundation.

Interpretation Must Not Outrun Evidence

Here's a funny story about scientific interpretation of evidence.

How Manipulators Subvert the Truth

Do not use these tactics on others. Be aware of how others might be using them on you.

Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself

Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible.

Are Scientific Models Reductionist?

Scientific models can be useful in science, as long as one is aware of their limitations.
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