SETI Pseudoscience Passes Peer Review

Impossibilities presented as probabilities and ignorance presented as science.

Archive: Ethics, Rights, Bird Trees, Stalactites, Cells

Would you know some of these articles are "old news" from 23 years ago if you didn't see the dates? It appears that evolutionists have not changed much.

Cosmic Tension: Modern Cosmology Has Big Holes

Leading cosmologists admit major problems with orthodox cosmology.

Did Darwin Plus Wallace Explain Butterfly Patterns?

Selectionism, whether natural or sexual, reduces science to storytelling.

Archive: Mountains, Demons, Proteins, Mutations, Human Lab Rats

The following short articles were first published in June 2002.

Corrupt Big Science Needs to Clean House

The picture of institutional science as the paragon of objectivity is gone.

A Creationist Offers Kind Words to Evolutionists

In one regard, Dr Bergman can compliment evolutionists. Aside from their blind spot, they often view reality accurately.

Masterpieces of Intelligent Design Portrayed

Illustra Media's latest short film contains a powerful argument against Darwinian evolution.

Evolution No Help in Explaining Extinct Giants

Expecting an evolutionary biologist to help explain things is like calling on a shaman for understanding.

How to Survive as a Creationist in Science

Stay in the closet and accept evolution as God’s method of creation.

Evolutionists Try to Explain Away Living Fossils

You can't play word games to deny extreme stasis. You can't say living fossils really are evolving.

Darwinism Devalues Humanity

Like beasts, we only evolved to survive, say evolutionists. We have no inherent worth.

Archive: Ape Archaeology, Cat Psychology, Old DNA, and a Bridge

From May 2002, these articles are still informative and sometimes funny.

Proving Evolution With Imaginary Facts

Need evidence? Make some up. After all, since evolution is a fact, the evidence must have existed.

The Fall of Big Science

You can't trust what Big Science says any more. It's up to individuals with integrity to rebuild science.
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