Will Humpty Darwin Fall in 2019?

Darwinism has so many failures, can it survive? Don't underestimate the power of illogical worldviews tenaciously held.

Time to Ditch the Drake Equation

Frank Drake's equation for the probability of space aliens is chopped-up ignorance mushed into pseudo-scientific sausage.

Exoplanets Are Young, Too

Observations cause a major upset in planet formation theory, and the time needed for evolution.

Bad Lip Reading with Fossils

Nobody hears fossils, but that doesn't excuse bad lip reading about what they were trying to say when they died.

The Evolution of Neanderthal Man From Evolution Ancestor to Modern Man

It took over 100 years, but Darwinians have finally promoted Neanderthal Man to Homo sapiens. How did it happen?

Darwinists Imagine Feathered Crocodiles

Fuzz has been found on a pterosaur. That's not news. But split ends on some fibers are electrifying the evolutionary imagination.

How to Scientifically Justify Horror

A leading American science journal whimpers over loss of access to body parts of murdered humans.

New Utopian Vision Requires Drastic Demotion of Humans

Humans must be re-imagined, then re-made to fit the new global utopia, according to an environmental evolutionist.

Slimy Evolution Reporting Continues

Darwin gets credit for more things than his theory deserves, which is very little to begin with.

NASA Commemorates Apollo 8 Genesis Reading

A major event for the 50th Anniversary of Apollo didn't shy away from the historic Bible reading from the moon.

Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts

Dark matter has never been found, but their pet theory needs it. What will secular cosmologists do next?

Danish Church Persecutes Darwin Doubters

Even within some churches, Darwin skeptics can face censure and calls for re-education in the religion of evolution.

Political Bias in Science Media, cont.

This entry continues listed examples of political bias in science, academia and secular media.

Adam and Eve Were Real After All, Extensive Genetic Study Claims

Comparisons of mitochondrial DNA from millions of species suggests recent creation and a catastrophe.

Two More Soft-Tissue Fossils Pile on the Evidence Against Deep Time

Evolutionists are dodging hard evidence with an absurd excuse that soft tissue can last hundreds of millions of years.
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