March of Man Disbanded

Although still widely pictured in the mass media, paleoanthropologists have long ago abandoned the iconic chart of the progression of human evolution.

Finally Planned Parenthood Comes Clean. Or Did They?

Planned Parenthood's founder was a bigoted racist, intent on purifying the human race from less-evolved beings like "blacks, Jews and Italians." Her anti-black organization's policies continue today.

Big Science Agonizes Over Tarnished Image

Most individual scientists do honorable work, but Big Science cannot sustain its public image of reliability any longer. Things must change.
Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak

Cosmologists Out of Touch with Reality

Secular cosmologists can't find things that they tell us should exist. Is reality the problem, or is it dead-end thinking instead?

Cordova on Virtual Mars Hill: Defense of Design and Creation (Audio)

One of our contributing authors had an opportunity to answer hard questions about intelligent design, creationism, and the Bible in an internet chatroom.

Darwinian Eugenics Hit Latinos Hard

It is well-known that forced Darwinian eugenic sterilization programs targeted Blacks, but evidence is surfacing that the Latinos were also targets.

New Version of Natural Selection Goes Mystical

Was there ever a song and dance as fantastical as W. Ford Doolittle's ITSNTS proposal?

Darwinians Cannot Agree on What Natural Selection Is

Controversies 159 years after Darwin have rendered his 'mechanism' a mystical idea, nebulous and incomprehensible. Has natural selection become the phlogiston of the 21st century?

If Prediction Is a Hallmark of Science, the Resurrection Was Predicted

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was predicted centuries before it occurred. It was also corroborated by eyewitness testimony. Can science do better than this?

Climate Science Has Huge Error Bars

If one of your major model inputs is off by up to 50%, what does that do to the precision of your predictions about degrees of temperature change a century from now?

Diatoms: A Case Study in Darwinian Explanation

Some of the most beautiful, elegant, and vital organisms on earth demand a better explanation than 'stuff happens over and over.'

Neutron Imaging Solves Mystery of Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopes

It's been 300 years, and scientists are just now figuring out how Antony van Leeuwenhoek was able to grind microscope lenses of superior quality.

Big Science Leftist Bias Is on Autopilot

Science journals and mainstream science reporters take leftism for granted so instinctively, they aren't even aware they do it.

More Fossil Forests Found in Antarctica

The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers.

Oldest Language in India Only 4,500 Years Old

If modern humans left Africa 185,000 years ago or more, why does the oldest language in India date back less than 3% of that time?
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