Freedom Exalts a Culture

When citizens are taught that they cannot help themselves, the outcome is predictable: social breakdown and increased criminal behavior.

Don’t Trust Scientists Who Were Wrong; Fire Them

The best scam is to keep fooling people into trusting your latest ideas even after you've admitted you've been wrong all along.

Human Brains Have Always Been Unique

Whether examined from inside or outside, young or old, historical or modern, eastern or western, the human brain is like no other biological organ.

Dangers of Viewing Animal Death as Helpful

It's one thing to say an ecosystem can take care of recycling a carcass. It's another to say the ecosystem needs the carcass to thrive.

Darwinians See Creative Power in Natural Terror

In the Darwinian mindset, natural disasters are the seedbeds of creativity and progress.

Henry David Thoreau’s Debt to Darwin Led to Loss of Belief in God

The effects of Darwinism go far beyond biology. On the bicentenary of Henry David Thoreau, a historian traces his fall from grace into Darwinian materialism.

More Reasons to Doubt Consensus

Recent scientific papers cast doubt on the ability of researchers to understand systems as complex as climate.

Fake Evolution Is Not Evidence

The media have a bad habit of calling things 'evolution' that fail to support the notion that people have bacteria ancestors.

Space Aliens: Evolutionists’ Imaginary Friends

Those who believe life emerges from atoms pretend to talk to companions they don't even know exist.

Censor Pays to Keep Censoring

Censor paid $10,000 but refused to un-censor the censored article!

If Science Is Superior, Why Does It Need Fixing?

Scientific publishing and peer review is undergoing a revolution, suggesting there has been something wrong. Yes; its lack of transparency is motivating a drive for 'open science.'

How to Nudge an Elitist

Smug elitists think they have a corner on truth and should tell the rest of us how to behave. They've given us the tools to push back.

Aliens Invade Geology

Is secular geology about to take leave of its senses, believing in unicorns? Read on.

Are Atheists Generally Smarter Than Religious People?

A secular news reporter claims that atheists are smarter than religious people. It begs for a response.

New Dinosaur Fossils Shake Up the Consensus

Fossils of ancient reptiles from different continents are changing long-accepted views.
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