Geology Cave Climate Conclusions Compromised December 22, 2016 Widely used to infer past climates, isotope measurements from stalactites and stalagmites in caves can mislead researchers. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Has to Borrow a Moral Compass December 18, 2016 Observing facts is not enough to determine whether something is good or evil. CONTINUE READING
Health Don't Be a Snowflake December 11, 2016 Psychologists find that people willing to face spiritual challenges have better mental health. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Trusting Science Experts Can Be Disastrous December 5, 2016 Nobody pushes the values of science more than scientists. But trusting them doesn't always work out right. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Biblical Archaeology Finds to Watch December 2, 2016 Are Moses and Jesus corroborated by extra-Biblical artifacts? Here's the good and the bad about two interesting yet controversial finds. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Nature Penitent Over Political Bias December 1, 2016 The editors of Nature confess to living in a liberal echo chamber, out of touch with most Americans, too quick to judge conservatives. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Why You Can't Evolve Reason and Morality November 27, 2016 Materialists and Darwinians never seem to get it; you can't get here from there. Here's another failed attempt. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission November 17, 2016 If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Unlocking Mental Control of the Body November 12, 2016 Neuroscientists are finding ways to give people control they have lost because of bodily limitations. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics What the Trump Presidency Could Mean for Science November 9, 2016 Editorial: a rising tide of economic prosperity could lift science, too, as long as it is honest science serving the citizenry. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Today's Science Hates Faith November 6, 2016 There are individual scientists who believe in God, but their institutions ridicule any and all forms of "faith." CONTINUE READING
Education Communism Left Science in Ruins November 3, 2016 Two articles comment on the devastation wreaked on science by atheistic, totalitarian regimes. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Trending: Transparency in Climate Models October 31, 2016 It's a little late to begin a new climate of transparency among climatologists. What does that imply about the past? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Church of the Holy Sepulcher Repairs Underway October 28, 2016 The alleged site of Jesus' burial and resurrection is being opened for the first time in centuries. CONTINUE READING
Media Science Sells Its Soul to Clinton Campaign October 27, 2016 Mainstream science media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity when it comes to presidential politics. CONTINUE READING