Trending: Transparency in Climate Models

It's a little late to begin a new climate of transparency among climatologists. What does that imply about the past?
Edicule 2006, Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Church of the Holy Sepulcher Repairs Underway

The alleged site of Jesus' burial and resurrection is being opened for the first time in centuries.

Science Sells Its Soul to Clinton Campaign

Mainstream science media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity when it comes to presidential politics.

Violence Is Natural, Darwinians Say

The implications of saying violence is a product of natural selection are disturbing.

Anti-Biblical Bias Shaped Geological Opinion

Geologists resisted evidence for catastrophic flooding because they wanted to distance themselves from Genesis.

Shameless Bias in Presidential Science

Why do "science" news sites go after the Republican candidate only? This is another arena Donald Trump could show is rigged.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Promote Healing

Here's the latest on adult stem cells and how they are transforming regenerative medicine without harming embryos.

The Left Has Enslaved Science

Big Science is leftism's pet, and the sexual revolutionaries keep it on a choke chain.

When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus

Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm.

Dump the Nobel Prize

Editorial: The Nobel Prize was concocted for a different time. Now it has become an impediment to good science.

Distorted Scopes Narrative Perpetuated

The media continues to inherit the spin.
Mark Armitage

Mark Armitage Wins Legal Victory

The microscopist fired for his publication of Darwin-embarrassing dinosaur soft tissue has won a historic settlement against Cal State University.

The Climate Is Not Clear for Change

Whenever you hear "all scientists agree," watch out. Groupthink may be at work.

You Are Free to Read This

The question of free will tantalizes philosophers, because the mind-brain distinction is complex.

Reality Beats PC

The real world fights back against misconceptions about the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of political correctness.
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