Darwin Day Came and Went

Except among certain special-interest groups, Darwin Day seems to have been a non-event, but one Darwinist won an award for Censor of the Year.

Bill Nye Scores on Debate Presentation if Not Logic

In the widely-publicized debate with Ken Ham, Bill Nye could not account for the laws of logic, but it won't matter to many listeners wooed by his charm.

Scientists Get Religion Wrong While Eyeing Takeover

To usurp religion, a scientist would need to know both his target and his resources.

Stem Cell Revolution Leap Forward? Debunked!

Called revolutionary and "too good to be true," a simple way to turn ordinary cells into stem cells has everyone excited – and some cautious.

People Can Be Devious Lab Rats (and Researchers)

Human lab rats can fool human researchers, who in turn can fool the human public. Honesty must be the only policy in science.

"Inclusive Fitness" Is a Just-So Story Generator

Critics of the "inclusive fitness" evolutionary explanation for altruism liken it to Ptolemy's epicycles.

Can Anticreationist Rhetoric Survive Debate?

Darwinist rhetoric thrives when it's the only show in town.

Nobel Prize Winner Fights Tyranny of Big Scientific Journals

He's on a campaign to bring power to the people.

Natural Evil: How Good Germs Can Go Bad

It doesn't take much to turn a friendly bacterium into a killer.

Got Scientism? Champions of "Science" All Leftists

The Union of Concerned Scientists' list of champions only includes those who take far-left political stances on the issues.

Science Reporter Says Scientists Are Like Cattle

A science reporter lists several reasons why scientists are about as trustworthy as bankers.

On Ethical Gray Zones

Examples from World War II and the present illustrate that just because some people compromise ethics doesn't mean ethics itself is a matter of opinion.

Obvious Things Scientists Are "Discovering"

Do we really need scientists to tell us the obvious?

Incredible Stories of Human Ability in Weakness

Here are three amazing stories that speak for themselves.

NASA Astrobiologists Draw Comics on the Job

A federally-funded NASA website about astrobiology has just launched an evolutionary comic strip. Is this an appropriate use of taxpayer funds?
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