The Gas Exchange Problem Insurmountable by Chance

In this part of Dr Smith's guest article, he applies irreducible complexity to how complex animals get oxygen to cells.

Nagging Problems Explaining Life’s Wonders

In this two-part guest article, Dr. James O. Smith surveys the hurdles evolution must leap.

Archive: Baby IQ, microRNA, Moon Rocks, Plant Muscle, Mars, Courts, Darwin Tree Mixup, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late October 2001, restored from archives.

Evolutionists Show that Nature Fights Evolution

Genetic and developmental systems protect against variation in numerous ways to preserve the wild phenotype.

Is Endosymbiosis Supported by Evidence?

An experiment to prove endosymbiosis falls short.

Good Grief; No, Cells Are Not Born from Raindrops

Evolutionists think up stupid ideas when they don't have to face knowledgeable Darwin skeptics.

Nobel Prize Undercuts Evolutionary Genetics

As the cell becomes more complicated, evolution becomes less probable.

Archive: Eugenics, Sprites, Viruses, Mars, Rafting Rodents, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid-October 2001.

Archive: Cells, Io, Cave Art, Solar System, Sex, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Film Creates Awe About the Brain

Illustra Media's latest short film will have you spellbound over the systems at work in your head.

Do Bacteria Grow Old?

Life cannot mutate for millions of years. This is a major challenge to old-age claims.

Crying Evolution, Evolution, When There Is No Evolution

Here's how the Darwin Party keeps Darwinism alive with propaganda tactics.

Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Science Goes with the Cultural Flow

The Easter Island revision shows how science myths can track cultural values.

Seafloor Oxygen Threatens Evolutionary Stories

The unexpected discovery of abiotic oxygen on the ocean floor could undermine Darwinian scenarios.
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