Mental Marvels

The "mind-body problem" is alive and well. Can these phenomena be reduced to matter in motion?

Friday Funnies: Evo-Comics

Not every Darwinian explanation is useless. Some of them can function as entertainment.

Neanderthal News and the Limits of Organic Material Survival

Red blood cells and DNA samples raise questions about the decay time of soft tissue and genetic material.

What's New in Biomimetics?

It's hard to keep up with the numerous advancements in science coming from inspiration provided by natural design.

More Cell Machines Come to Light

The living cell contains thousands of molecular machines converting energy into useful work. Here are just a few that were recently described in journal papers.

Skin Is Repaired by Zipper Mechanism

The details of wound repair and prevention are coming to light.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Ancient

An isolated tribe in a remote place in Amazonia has antibiotic resistance genes in its gut bacteria.

Evolutionist Reveals Magical Beliefs

Introducing the "Poof!" Theory of Evolution.

Animal Excellence Exceeds Mere Survival

A tiny bird could live like other birds do without having to fly non-stop for 1,700 miles. Other examples abound of over-design in the animal world.

Darwinism as an April Fool Prank

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. April Fool!

Animals Wonderful and Bizarre

The variety of living organisms on our planet is astonishing and often surprising. Here are a few examples that have come to light in news reports.

Rethinking Evolution

Evolutionary articles often say that new data will cause them to rethink evolution. Maybe they're not thinking deeply enough.

More Attempts to Explain Chirality

Despite the hype in some reports, the highly-designed experiments only underscore the problem for origin of life theories.

Water Worlds Tempt with Life, Not Youth

More and more planets and moons are suspected of having liquid water, but what should be the logical implications?

Animal PhDs in Physics

Many animals and plants have mastered physics and chemistry. Engineers would do well to learn from them.
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