Is Science Returning to Mysticism?

Mysticism can take many forms. It can be god-of-the-gaps, or it can be refusal to consider the possibility of a immaterial causes.

Illustra Media Showcases the Wood Wide Web

The ways that plants communicate through underground fungal networks is illustrated in a dazzling new short film.

Cell Organelles that Defy Evolution: The Lysosome

New research proves that the lysosome system is much more complex than previously believed.

Much Ado About Ryugu

Uracil, a molecule found in RNA, has been reported in an asteroid. From media hype, one would think they discovered life.

How Could Sex Evolve?

It still baffles Darwinists after all these years. A new PNAS article reinforces the challenge of explaining the evolution of sex.

How Secular Institutions Can Do Design Science

Design science is done any time a scientist assumes a purpose and looks for it. No overt appeals to religion or ideology are needed.

New Model of Chirality Untestable

It's one of the biggest mysteries for evolutionary biologists: the origin of handedness in biomolecules. A new solution is all hat and no cattle.

Lies Evolve about Life Origins

Evolutionists won't quit confabulating to the public. They should know better, but their lies keep coming.

Nitrogen Fixation: No Evolution Here

It's "one of the most energetically challenging biochemical reactions in nature," and it just appeared and never changed.

The OOL Tease: NASA’s Ponzi Scheme

If you buy into NASA's perennial search for the origin of life, you'll lose it all. There's no collateral.

Tenure No Longer Protects Creationist Professors

Professor Change Laura Tan expelled: a new book about a new case.

Gene Sharing Is Not Evolution

Microbes in the ocean share genes in tiny bubbles, but where did the genes come from?

What Are Introns For?

The origin of introns is a mystery to evolutionists. They apply magic, calling it an "evolutionary burst."

Why Sex Is Binary

The new Woke claim that “Human Sex is Not Binary” ignores a massive amount of scientific literature

Earth Arctic Is Not Like Enceladus

NASA commits its most common logical fallacy in a press release geared to titillate the public about astrobiology.
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