Getting to the Roots Problem

Understanding plant roots requires figuring out how they solve problems of physics.

Tune In to Channel Kir2.1

A molecular machine with exquisite sensitivity has been shown in atomic detail for the first time.

Evolutionists Call Example of Extreme Stasis “Evolution”

Evolution means nothing at all if it means an organism can stay the same for 541 million years.

Molecular Machines Labor 24×7 Every Day

It's Labor Day in America, but the molecular motors in your body never take a holiday break.

The “Empty” Space in the Brain Has Vital Functions

Extra-cellular space (ECS)—the space between brain cells—has important functions that are 'mind boggling,' too.

New Video Reveals a Heart for Design

New film on the human heart opens the door to prior fitness of the universe for complex life.

Archive Classic: Astrobiology, 0 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back

From 2005: Report of a JPL lecture on the origin of life offers nothing but anti-scientific speculation.

Spontaneous Abortion: A Pro-Life View

Why are so many embryos spontaneously aborted very early in pregnancy? Is it due to "selfish chromosomes" or design?
Evolution: Possible or Impossible?

Coppedge Book Is Back Online

Long overdue, we have just re-uploaded Dr James F Coppedge's classic, Evolution: Possible or Impossible? to our website.

Pathogens Devolved

They're calling it evolution, but it's easier to be a freeloader than an independent organism.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Fireflies Light Up New Illustra Video

Zoom in to the light organs. Zoom out to a wonder of nature.

News Media Swallow 830 Million Year Old Life Claim

The extreme gullibility of scientists and reporters displays their blind love for Darwin and deep time.

Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course

Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings.

The Wonder Material: Cartilage

The formerly simple tissue turns out to be both more complex and masterly designed.
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