Your Supernatural Teeth

Aspects of human teeth appear over-designed for their function.

Bluffing About Earth's Magnetic Field and Life's Chirality

The headlines might make one think evolutionists have finally scaled two monstrous hurdles for their theory.
Blue lupines in southern California

Peas and Prosperity

A healthy plant community relies on natural mechanisms that agricultural scientists can tap into.

Re-inventing Transportation by Watching Animals

Here are 3 ways science is advancing through the imitation of nature.

Sunflower Motion Is a Black Box

Something as commonly observable as sunflowers following the sun is difficult to explain.

Evolution Is Not a Designer

From Richard Dawkins to new prizewinning engineers, scientists get natural selection all wrong.

Life from Sun Flares?

A NASA scientist proposes that a period of superflares on the early sun zapped life into existence on the earth.

A Media Bias Sampler

Support for conservatism in secular science media is as rare as a true transitional form in the fossil record.

Forcing Contrary Data into Evolution Stories

Some recent findings might raise the eyebrows of perceptive readers: "How does that support evolution?"

News from the Living Waters

Animal heroes of the Illustra film "Living Waters" are still making headlines.

OOL Without Bluffing Is Nothing

Count the hopeful "could" words in a speculative NASA Astrobiology myth.

Darwin and Malthus Were Wrong: Cooperation Is Key to Evolution

The statements in a new conceptual model of evolution undermine the whole rationale for Social Darwinism.

Science vs Activism in Biological Gender Ambiguity

A small percentage of live births involve genetically-based gender ambiguity. What is the ethical response?

Barbiturates in Darwin's Warm Little Pond

Are barbituates the missing links to the origin of life?

Design Inspires Scientific Advances

When you see cutting-edge science in materials and methods, you are likely to read "Inspired by Nature."
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