Mind and Brain The Brain Files Information Logically March 11, 2022 The brain just became even more complicated. Another new structure in the brain has been discovered. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Gut Bacteria Remember Pathogens March 7, 2022 New discovery on intestinal immune system adds to the complexity of the human body CONTINUE READING
Genetics Will DNA Overtake Hard Drives? March 3, 2022 "DNA is nature’s original data storage system. We can use it to store any kind of data: images, video, music — anything." CONTINUE READING
Genetics How to Adapt Without New Genes March 1, 2022 Scientists are finding out, to their surprise, that organisms can adapt without mutations and natural selection. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Wilderness Is a Harmful Myth February 28, 2022 An environmentalist says that nature and humanity are both harmed by the vision of pristine nature. CONTINUE READING
Birds Arctic Tern Story Visualized February 27, 2022 The longest migration in the animal kingdom is brought to life in a beautiful short film from Illustra Media. CONTINUE READING
Health Nature Love Is Designed, Not Evolved February 26, 2022 Evolutionists cannot claim love of nature as an evolved human trait when our first home was a garden. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Did Nice Dogs Evolve from Mean Wolves? February 25, 2022 Yet another evolution story falters: dog domestication tale fails to support another tale: how wild apes became civilized humans. CONTINUE READING
Education HeadStart: New Online Tool for Science Students February 22, 2022 A new website from the Creation Science Association of Alberta provides resources for the inquiring student. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinizing Uncooperative Observations February 17, 2022 It's a fine art often associated with politics: spin doctoring. Evolutionists are well trained in this art. They have to be. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Genes Determine Sex Differences February 9, 2022 Thousands of differences in male/female brains are due to genes, not a sexist environment. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Life is Designed to Prevent Evolution February 3, 2022 Another system has been discovered that corrects the very mutations that Darwinism depends on for novelty. CONTINUE READING
Mammals How Whales Swallow Underwater January 24, 2022 A whale has to lunge at a mouthful of krill, then take it down and eat it without drowning. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics JPL Sued for Discrimination January 22, 2022 Poetic Justice for A Darwin Skeptic: JPL Sued For Discrimination and Forced to Pay Out 10 Million Dollars in Restitution to Former Employees CONTINUE READING
Mammals Mammals With Inspiring Snouts January 22, 2022 Mammal species with remarkable noses give scientists an education and inspiration. CONTINUE READING