John Tyndall’s Vision of Science Turned it to Atheism

British naturalist John Tyndall (1820-1893) actively sought to turn science away from God, and succeeded beyond his dreams.

Health Science Beats Evolutionary Storytelling

Let's get practical. What is science good for? How about helping us live more satisfying lives?

Males and Females Are Real. All Others Are Fake.

Science knows nothing of make-believe genders based on how people feel. Researchers only speak of males and females.

New Evidence for Discrimination Against Christians in Academia

A new PhD thesis documents discrimination against creationists in academia: a look at the history and claims of anti-creationists.

Hand Signals of Design

The human hand turns out to have much more capability for complex movement than scientists thought.

Biosignatures Reveal Intact Soft Tissue Is Ubiquitous in Fossils

Yale paleontologists admit soft tissue is everywhere but try to use it as data for millions of years of evolution.

Blood Cells Act as Multi-Purpose Truckers

Blood Cells: Oxygen-Carrying Trucks That Have a Host of Functions New Research Shows How the Body Shows Striking Evidence of Intelligent Design by Jerry Bergman, PhD   Introduction One of my masters theses for medical school researched tumor markers.[1] Tumor markers are body indications of a disease state such as cancer. An example is substances […]

Tooth Complexity Bites Darwin

New microscopic techniques are making it harder to be a Darwinian dentist.

Creation Is the Cure for Social Injustice

Some people clamoring for social justice are going about it the wrong way. Don't look sideways. Look up. Look down.

Diatoms Defy the Evolutionary Endosymbiosis Theory

Here's why endosymbiosis cannot explain diatoms – or anything else.

Plant Wonders Inspire Awe

From small herbs underfoot to towering giants, plants have what it takes to thrive in their habitats.

Origin of the Ribosome Baffles Evolutionists

The ribosome is a very complicated molecular machine with numerous accessory parts. Life cannot live without it. How could it evolve?

Darwinists Revive Spontaneous Generation

Science is supposed to know better, but spontaneous generation, long discredited, is back in Darwin form every day in the news.

Our Senses Did Not Evolve

Despite what evolutionists say, our bodies with their amazing senses are the work of a designing intelligence par excellence.

The Futility of Evolutionary Game Theory

Evolutionists try to explain human associations by "evolutionary game theory," a form of natural selection. It leads to hopelessness.
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