Amazing Facts Complex Eyes of ‘Simple’ Clams Confound Darwin May 13, 2019 The eyes of the lowly scallop have eyes of exquisite design, built on a principle unrelated to any putative evolutionary sequence. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part 2 May 11, 2019 Here are two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 2). CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I May 10, 2019 Here are just two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 1 of 2). CONTINUE READING
Botany Photosynthesis: Darwin’s Great Mystery Is Still a Mystery May 2, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman explains why the origin of photosynthesis remains a profound problem for evolution. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Asian Languages Approach Biblical Timeline April 28, 2019 Origin of the Sino-Tibetan language family about 5,900 years ago? Yeah, that's about right, within error. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Remarkable Resuscitations April 27, 2019 Doctors and families should not be too quick to unplug a comatose person. Look what can happen. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Two Resurrections Celebrated April 21, 2019 For Easter, Illustra Media has produced a short film that dazzles the eyes with nature's beauty as a metaphor for resurrection. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Mechanical Engineering in the Skeleton April 17, 2019 Dr Henry Richter explains some of the design requirements for having a skeleton. CONTINUE READING
Education Words of Wisdom from Wildflowers April 12, 2019 Springtime is here and the wildflowers are blooming. What lessons can nature lovers learn from these beauties? CONTINUE READING
Birds The Non-Evolution of Birds April 10, 2019 Dr James F. Coppedge tells an example of a bird whose all-or-nothing migration cannot be explained by evolution. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Wonders of the Immune System April 9, 2019 Medical science and physiological research has barely begun to understand all of the facets of the human immune system. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont. April 6, 2019 Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism April 5, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Running Is a Complex Balance of Rapid Reflexes April 2, 2019 If you thought about how complex running is while running, you might trip and fall over. Read this while sitting down. CONTINUE READING
Botany Carnivorous Plants Show Attention to Detail March 26, 2019 Two plants that baffled Darwin are best admired for their design than for their evolution. CONTINUE READING