Monarch butterfly on flower

Design of Life Update: Butterflies

Illustra Media’s trilogy of documentaries only began to uncover the wonders of life. Here are updates on the series’ featured animals, this one on butterflies. Watch an amazing time-lapse video of butterfly wings developing in the chrysalis made by Nipam Patel of University of California at Berkeley. His lab assistant was able to extract tissue […]

Astrobiology’s Fantasy Universe

The media glosses over difficulties in its blind quest to look for the 'emergence' of life on other planets.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Amazonia Not Pristine

The tropical rainforests of Brazil, once thought to be pristine habitats of noble savages, show evidence of mass reworking by humans for millennia.

Why Was Civilization So Late in Coming?

According to evolutionists, modern man appeared 200,000 years ago, but civilization appeared only 8,000 years ago. We examine their explanations.

Big Science Losing Public Trust

Scientists themselves are warning that the scientific community has lost a great deal of public trust, and for good reasons.

Genesis Hits the Big Screen

Review of "Is Genesis History?" that premiered nationally in theaters in a one-night Fathom Media event on Feb 23.

Evolution for the Birds

Birds have not evolved as much as evolutionary theories about them have.

Fake News on Education Bills

Secular reporters, for the life of them, can't get their facts right. When it comes to the teaching of evolution, knees jerk, kicking the boilerplate machine into programmed output.

Human Body Curiosities

Things you didn't know about your ambulatory vessel, and things you may have wondered about.

Can Materialism Provide a Sense of Purpose?

Studies show that having a sense of purpose enhances mental and physical health. The problem for materialists is how to conjure it up out of matter in motion.

Questioning the Sanity of Big Science and Big Media

Scientists arrogate to themselves the authority to diagnose insanity, but they and their friends in the mainstream media believe some pretty nutty things.

Ancient Greek Religious Art Depicted Eden and the First Couple

Excerpts from the new book Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art, by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.

What Your Body Needs

In short, your body needs the great outdoors. Studies continue to show the benefit of hiking and camping in God's creation.

Evolutionary Materialism Promotes Deadly Sins

Name a vice, and Darwinians will be there to rationalize it on evolutionary grounds. They claim proud ownership of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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