Bursa: Not a Vestigial Organ

A seemingly useless tissue was often surgically removed until it was found to be very important.

Lay Science Reporters Perpetuate Evolutionary Myths

Myths are homologous by common descent of mutations in logic. Or is that by design?

Archive: Neptune, Molecular Motors, Romance

These entries from May 2002, lost during a website upgrade, are reposted here for edification, amusement, or both.

Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Darwin’s Blunder Lives On

A major journal publishes a paper claiming that natural selection is like human engineering.

Another Fish Story That Is True

You'll be amazed at the power of a salmon's homing instinct in this short video.

Archive: First Land Animals, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Beetle Fans

Enjoy some of our posts from 22 years ago, which were lost during a website upgrade.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

How Could a Camera Eye Evolve in a Worm?

The story of three annelid branches: Why evolutionists claim they took very different paths.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

God Glorified in Solar Eclipse

Millions stood in awe of the April 8 solar eclipse but theists had the best time.

Tale of the Tail: Why the Human Coccyx Is Not a Vestigial Organ

Tall tales about the loss of the human tail continue to mislead.

Wildflowers Illustrate Resurrection

Enjoy a beautiful new video for Easter from Illustra Media.

Archive: Tuatara, Eyes, Cells, Self-Organization, Astrobiology

More lost stories from the end of March 2002 are republished here. Topics: the tuatara, eyes, self-organization, cells, architecture.

More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted

Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly.
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